Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lucie's Legacy

The surprise quilt was made for one of my beloved co-workers. Lucie, after 40 years at Primary Children's Medical Center, decided to retire!. She started as a student nurse, transitioning to an RN and helping start the Diabetes Program over 35 years ago. She was one of the main reasons we have such a strong Diabetes Program at PCMC. Lucie then was our nurse manager for a time. She earned her Master's of Science in Nursing and became our Clinical Nurse Specialist. She is an amazing nurse, educator, leader, and friend. I believe she will be greatly missed...and leaving some BIG shoes to fill.

Lucie's career is inspiring, demonstrating incredible work ethic and dedication (I'm sure it wasn't always easy). I hope one day my career will be as filling and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, encouragement, inspiration, and friendship for the relatively short time I was privledged to work with you, Lucie! Happy Retirement!!!!

Lucie and Mary. A scholarship fund was created in Lucie's name for the continuing education of Certified Diabetes Educators.

The center has her name, PCMC, and 1970-2010 embroidered.

Lucie LOVES snowmen
Just showing details: sparkles :)

Lucie, CNS extraordinaire

We didn't have the right angle to catch her facial expression...I did get a hug right through the quilt!

Lots of people love and will miss Lucie!

A very happy man...Lucie's husband. He's ready for her to travel with him.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Santa is Coming...

Usually on long weekends, I camp out in my sewing/craft room and create (especially if it is snowing). It snowed ALL day long...it never stopped so we haven't shoveled, yet... However, I didn't do any crafting today. After finishing the bag last night, I decided (well, Steve decided) we would get the Christmas decorations out. He didn't even do our normal relax Sunday morning routine...he came downstairs dressed, ready for the day and immediately started to the basement to bring up the Chirstmas decorations! No rest for the weary...

Seems like every year I do a little something different with the decor and don't always get everything out. If I do get it ALL out, it's because we are hosting the Holiday festivities. I'll go all out with 2 trees and decorating the entire "grand staircase" in addition to chair covers (made by yours truly), center peices, and replacing all our shelf decor with Christmas decor.

I must admit, each year I get happier and happier with my tree. I love Tai Pan Trading, they have purple and sparkles every year!  The tree is getting less and less bulbs and more and more "special" ornaments. That's why we will have 2 trees: a traditional one and my purple/silver tree (imagine that...purple and sparkles in my house). The tree is beautiful though...

I love the theme of "Believe," so it's throughout the house this time of year. I bought this sign from one of my favorite stores a few years ago (after Christmas, so a GREAT deal).

Steve was absolutely an angel. He hauled in the over sized, heavy, cumbersome ladder to climb up to our entrance chandelier. He then climbed the ladder and placed each bulb where I asked. Each bulb says "Believe" (told you I like it).
And of course there are Christmas quilts all around! I actually have 2 or 3 more wall hanging quilts, but have run out of room to put them up...not really appropriate to put up a dowel for a quilt only at Christmas time (or is it?).  :)
See the quilt on the chair?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Secret Santa

I had request to make this bag for a friend. My mother bought the material and button, then I had to get to work. Well, it turns out I missed the birthday deadline, so it will be a "Secret Santa" gift (apparently the two don't exchange Christmas gifts now). So when the other quilt in progress was finished (the surprise quilt), I got to work on this. Fortunately, it only took a little time. The recipient is quite the crafter as well and says "All projects should have at least 1 mistake. It reminds you you're not perfect." Well, there is a mistake in this bag. I think the "mistakes" resemble character and humility of a beautiful hand made object. I included some detail pictures below to show the sparkles (I love sparkles).

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have much to be thankful for including my loving husband, my adorable dog, and my incredible family. I'm blessed to have a great extended family and work with terrific people. Thank you to all!

Stuffed turkey cupcakes!! All edible: caramel, Grape Nuts, pretzel sticks, and frosting. Not the easiest things to decorate; Steve tried to help too. Making 5 was enough, one for each of the kids that will  be at Aunt Kathy's tonight. Well, the "little" kids. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland

The first real storm of this year. It's be horribly windy the last several days (reminding me of home)...kind of glad to see the snow and the wind to stop. The perfect weather to stay indoors, cuddling with your loved one, next to the fire...

I do have a quilt in the works...but it's a great surprise. Hope the recipient likes it!