Sunday, April 25, 2010

Playing Catch-up

My cousins Shannon and Syd both have blogs, why not me? I may not have adorable children like Shannon, or interesting travels like Syd, but I can post about my creativity (what little I have). What a great way to log all the quilts I've made and the fun culinary creations I've tried. Who knows? I may have to throw in a fun travel, tidbit, or two as well.

I finished the Crown Royal quilt in February 2010, just for my father... Hours were spent cutting apart all the flannel bags Dad, Ken, and a few others had collected for me. They sure had a great time at the lake! Thank you guys, I still have hundreds more and will eventually get more quilts made. Hope Dad likes his 60th birthday present...


  1. Found you! (I know... I am good!)

    I was just showing off this quilt to my friend on Friday, she wants to make one but I think your skills may exceed hers, she loved it!

  2. I am thrilled and exicted to have another blog to claim myself to. I rarely comment, but I do love to read up on the newest info! Thanks for blogging, and I LOVE the quilt!
