Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flaming "Gorgeous"!!!

Thank you Lori for the word-play idea!

There is a reason John Wesley Powell said, "We name it Flaming Gorge."

Here are some views with the reservoir nearly full.
Red Canyon Overlook

Canyon Rim Trail
One day, we went with my parents to explore the area and find camping areas. Dad took us to one of his favorite areas, Deep Creek. The drive was beautiful, and we got lots of firewood.

We then headed up Dowd Mountain. The area has great 4-wheeler trails, scenery, and wildlife. Once at the top, the views were incredible.

On the way back down, Mom says, "Go that way." Talk about 4-wheeling in the GMC!!! Dad even had to put it in 4-wheel drive for the rocky section. It started to rain, the rocks were very slippery. Fun, Fun, Fun day!

We were fortuntate to see lots of wildlife over the week. The deer were quite tame this time of year. One even posed for the camera.

Hard to see, but a bald eagle! I didn't have my "big" camera with me.

Okay, I know she's not "wildlife," but she's really cute! Well, maybe she is wildlife...when she gets the "rips" and runs around like a mad dog while off leash during our hikes.

Camping was so much fun. There were some gorgeous sunsets, and some rain. Who cares about getting a little wet when sitting by the campfire? Oreo didn't mind...she was dry and warm.

The rainbows were beautiful, saw one every day!

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