Sunday, December 5, 2010

Creative Weekend

Work has been ultra crazy for last month. And, unfortunately, it's not going to settle down for a little while longer. I work with an amazing team, so I know it will all work out. BUT, I needed a break. I had a good Thanksgiving break (I know, just last week), but I needed more. Well, I had the good fortune of having Friday off. A three day weekend! Not only did I get the normal weekend work complete, but I was also able to make 2 bags and a scarf!! Merry Christmas to someone! ;)

For as long as I can remember, my mother has crocheted. I have an afghan she made Steve and I. She's made afghans for others and baby stuff and other projects. Recently, she started learning to knit and doing a spectacular job! While she was here last weekend, she gave me some pointers on crocheting and I tried a hat. No pictures becuase it is plain, boring, too big (because apparently I can't count), and not very good. Steve won't wear it...probably not a good project to start with. Then I found some super soft yarn on sale and a pattern on the internet: 2 days later, a scarf. Now I have a red "Utah Utes" scarf to wear with my sweatshirts. (Maybe I'll try a hat again in the same color and count better.)

Yes, it is supposed to be twirly.

The two bags I made over the weekend are for Christmas presents. Cutting it a little close, I know, but that's what happens when things get ultra crazy at work. I've had the material for these 2 bags for at least 6 months...happy to get them done. Hope the recipients are happy to receive them!

After all the "work" this weekend, I am ready for the week of work. As I said, I know it will all work out...Glad I have a constructive outlet and was able to relieve some stress over the weekend!

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